Illustrated by 29 year old Ethan Nicolle and, more importantly, written and created by his 5 year old brother Malachai, Axe Cop is without doubt the newest and probably the absolute best way to waste time in the office. Just try not to fall out of your chair laughing. You might hurt your boss' feelings if he thinks you're actually enjoying what you're doing :p
The results of having a 5 year old as your main author are plain to see, not that that's a bad thing. A cop finds an axe and becomes Axe Cop who recruits Flute Cop who becomes Dinosaur Soldier who eats an avocado and becomes Avocado Soldier and shoots avocados from his hands and...well you get the picture. Axe Cop is absurd, silly, fun and absolutely brilliant. Brilliant silliness and silly brilliance. My we do have a flair for the oxymoron don't we.
Besides the main storyline check out the "Ask Axe Cop" section. It'll be worth your while I assure you, even if only to find out what happens if Chuck Norris fights our dear hero. Oh and finally in closing I leave you with a video of the Axe Cop creative process. Malachai is seriously too cute. Yes Super-Caveman like Axe Cop big time.